Take Part

Tapstak makes taking part in competitions, quizzes and polls so much easier

We’ve demonstrated a 40 to 60% increase in engagement when TAPSTAK was added to a simple printed text-in competition. Instead of asking your audience to Tweet or Text in their answer to a question on a radio, TV show, newspaper or billboard why not make it so much easier by removing all of the awkward numbers, keywords and hashtags?

By creating an activity in TAPSTAK you can allow them to bypass all of that and just tap a button to take part!


Text in Competition

Use TAPSTAK to make entering your text in competitions even easier for your customers. Instead of asking people for a Keyword, followed by their answer, followed by their name and send it to your short code – Just give them a set of buttons to choose from with all the work done for them!


During our early trials, for an SMS based competition placed in a business magazinem the editor reported a 15% increase in entries in the first issue and 40% more over the next twelve issues!


The editior was also please to be able to add a line to the sponsor’s website which added an extra layer of interaction for the sponsor that was not available using standard SMS!


Reality TV Voting

Give your audience the ability to cvote at the push of a button, without the need for a dedicated app!Just create a set of buttons with the voting options and publish the TAPTAG.
It’s great for voting for reality TV shows, at events or even committee votes in clubs and societies. TAPSTAK can be used with SMS or email for private voting or you can use Twitter or API to have a public vote.


TAPSTAK automatically formats the message at the push of a buttonm, so you know the vote will be in the correct format. That means no more spoiled voites and because TAPSTAK allows you to set the live time for your buttons, you can pre-plan with no need to worry about late entries.


Customer Feedback

Capturing customer feedback is a very powerful way to measure and improve customer service. Creating a micro-app in TAPSTAK will allow your customers to simply tap a button on their phone to send you instant feedback about the services you are providing.
TAPSTAK can be set up to send feedback in a similar way to other solutions requiring a button stand to be placed in your premises. Instead TAPSTAK just requires you to fill out a form and place a TAPTAG in your premises, so that customers can rate your service using their smartphone.


This means you can respond to customer feedback and instantly provide a better service.


Tweeting Billboard

The first rule of marketing is to be where your customers are. Today people spend a lot of their time on mobile but they are still walking around the real world while doing it.
Imagine if you could make real world billboards interactive using just smartphones. By adding a TAPTAG to a billboard you can measure and increase engagement without adding any digital equipment to the sign.


You can allow people to ‘share’ your billboard with the world at the tap of a button and gain valuable insight into the wants, needs and thoughts of your audience.


TAPSTAK has a number of features that make it ideal for enhancing the interactive experience.

Branded Micro Apps

Add your own company branding to pages within TAPSTAK to create branded 'micro-apps'.

Quality Responses

You create the message for the user to send so you can easily analyse the date when you recieve a response.

Added Content Links

Content links allow you to use your TAPSTAK 'micro-apps' to drive traffic to your richer content media and increase engagement,
