Take Care

TAPSTAK makes caring for your family, friends, community and causes so quick and accessible.

TAPSTAK’s Take Care buttons help you to care for what matters to you. From donating to a charity or lending your voice to a social campaign to creating panic buttons for family members for use in an emergency.

TAPSTAK could be the perfect platform if you are running a social campaign because it can allow all of your supporters to Tweet an indentical message to the same @address or #hashtag and really help to give all your supporters one voice which will amplify the campagin message on social media. TAPSTAK is free to registered charities. If you are currently taking donations by SMS, TAPSTAK is ideal for making donations easier. If you are a registered charity please contact us for more information.


Emergency Services

Talking is great, but there are times when we can’t talk or it’s not the best option. This is where TAPSTAK’s pushbutton messages become very useful.

For example in an emergency situation, the ability to press a button to connect with the correct emergency service or to be able to send accurate and useful contact information could make all the difference.



Premium rate text donations are a great way to receive text donations for charity. We provide a TAPTAG and use of the TAPSTAK service free of charge to registered charities. A TAPTAG can be a great addition to your marketing mix. By making donations as quick and simple as pressing a button, supporting a charity couldn’t be easier


Panic Button

Preparation can make all the difference in an unsafe or risky situation. TAPSTAK allows anyone to create buttons that are available when needed.

For example, a button that sends a distress message to a family member in the case of a panic attack or a message to a college authority if a student is feeling unsafe in anyway.

Social Support

One Voice Campaign

When people come together saying the same thing, change can happen. TAPSTAK allows campaigns to bring their followers together under one voice to amplify their message and make a difference.

Instead of thousands of people creating individual tweets around a central message, TAPSTAK allows organisations to create micro-app with smart buttons that send a common message to pre-determined hashtags and twitter handles. Which makes for a high impact, co-ordinated campaign – that gets results!


Simple Interface

All of the micro-apps in the TAPSTAK application follow the same layout. This consistency makes accessing emergency services or donating quick and easy

Concise Messages

You create the mesage for the user to send to you can easily analyse the data when you receive a response. Allows Faster response in emergency situations.

Shared Platform

TAPSTAK's shared mobile app means that users can interact at the push of a button with any organisation without the need to download a dedicated mobile app.
